Château de Gruyères
Art, history and legends

Gruyères Castle houses prestigious collections that bear witness to its long and rich history. The treasures to be found within its walls include the capes of the Order of the Golden Fleece and the intricate stained-glass windows dating from the Middle Ages; the frescoes commissioned by the bailiffs under the Ancien Régime; paintings by Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot; and the decorations of the Knight’s Hall. From its ramparts to its French-style gardens, from the guard room to its romantic salons, Gruyères Castle takes you on an adventure through eight centuries of art, history and legends.



08mar10:0008jun18:00Tobias Nussbaumer | Echo DriftTobias Nussbaumer | Echo DriftTobias Nussbaumer | Echo DriftFrench:ExpositionEnglish:ExhibitionGerman:Ausstellung

30mar14:3015:30Tobias Nussbaumer | Echo DriftTobias Nussbaumer | Echo DriftTobias Nussbaumer | Echo DriftFrench:Visite commentée

More information
Tel: +4126 921 21 02

Opening hours
April through October: 9am to 6pm
November through March: 10am – 5pm

Entrance fee
Adults : CHF 12.00
Retired, students : CHF 8.00
Groups (starting from 15 « adult » entries) : CHF 8.00
Kids (from 6 to 15) : CHF 4.00
Under 6 years : free
Families (2 adults, 3 children under 16) : CHF 25.00

If you visit the same day another museum in Gruyères (Maison du Gruyère, Tibet Museum, HR Giger Museum), ask for a combined ticket with the castle.

Château de Gruyères
Rue du Château 8
CH-1663 Gruyères